Relay for Hope – New Brunswick (C-652)

Panel Description: This panel has two panels above it and two panels below it, putting it right in the middle on the right side from the viewer’s point. The panel is divided into four sections, split by a red and green plaid cloth in the shape of a plus sign.
In the top left section, there is a bird with a light brown torso and black and grey feathers on the wings and head with a black beak. The bird is sitting on a brown branch in the shape of a S, with green leaves and flowers attached to the branch. The flowers have purple petals and yellow pistils. This whole section is on a white background.
In the top right section, there is a white lighthouse with a red cupola sitting on a hill overlooking the water. The hill is different shades of green (dark green, bright green, yellowish green) with big grey rocks laying all around the lighthouse and the water is also different shades of blue (dark blue, light blue, whitish blue). There is a white fence around the lighthouse on the side overlooking the water. At the end of the water, close to the top of the section, there is a grey block from frame to frame, and on top of the block there is the sky, depicted in a mix of blue and white colours. In the sky, right above the grey block, it says “Cape Enrage”. This whole section is surrounded by a black frame.
In the bottom left section, on the bottom of the section, there is grass with different shades of green (dark green, bright green, yellowish green). On the left side of the grass, there is tall tree with a grey trunk and branches with green leaves attached. On the right side of the grass, it is the beginning of the bridge, with a grey pavement and light brown rails. There is a white sign on the grass, facing the opposite way right before the entrance of the covered bridge. Above the entrance opening of the wood paneled covered bridge, there are two textboxes in the middle. The first textbox says “HARTLAND NEW BRUNSWICK” and the textbox underneath it says “WELCOME YOU ARE NOW ENTERING THE LONGEST COVERED BRIDGE IN THE WORLD 1282 FEET”. There are three flags on top of the entrance of the covered bridge. The one on the far left is the flag of France (separated into three sections with royal blue on the left, white in the middle and red on the right, with a tiny yellow star in the top left corner of the blue side). The flag in the middle is the flag of Canada (the red Canadian maple leaf in the middle with a white background and red on either sides). The flag on the far right is the flag of New Brunswick (yellow flag with a red lines on the top quarter and a brown ship underneath). Under the covered bridge is light blue water, which is a river. In the background there are a few greyish green hills and a sky blue sky. In the sky it says “Hartland” in a darker blue.
In the bottom right section, there is a white background that says the following words in the top quarter, from left to right; Fredericton in green and Moncton in red on the first line, Kings Landing in yellow and Fundy in green on the second line, Miscou in red, Shediac in green and Aulac in red on the third line, and Plaster Rock in yellow and Saint John in green on the fourth line. On the bottom of the white background in the right corner, there is a NB in black block letters for New Brunswick.
On the back of the panel: there is a picture of three ladies, who are the artists, holding the panel. The lady on the far left is Liz Ramscar, Joanne Swanson in the middle and Cecile Vigneault on the far right. On the bottom of the picture it says: “BLOCK DESIGNS BY AUDREY PEUERILL”.